Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Man, I was so proud of myself Friday night. I made the best pasta and the even better part is that I just made it up. It wasent a frozen from a bag, heat it up kind of thing. It was just random ingredients that I had and cooked together. Jack and Laney Grace loved it. Justin did too! Do you think maybe this is a sign that I really can cook and make excuses not to?

Listed below are a few things that I make, limited to:

Meat(as long as it's on the stove or in the oven) ;)
and lastly, hotdogs
oh and tuna salad.

No, but really in all seriousness,I give myself a hard time. I really can cook, I made Greenbean Casserole for Thanksgiving. I just dont. However, I have been, because of the getting healthy, diet kick Im on this week! NO MORE FAST FOOD. Too expensive and bad for you.

I did have Taco Bell last week but I swear I ordered from the new Fresco menu...less than 9 grams of fat.

News Flash: After enjoying the wonderful pasta stir-fry, I was washing dishes and my decrotive bowl did not make it. :( The first time I used the dern thing...


Alli and Korey said...

Glad to see you are bloging again!!

michelle huey said...

Girl, I thought I couldn't cook either. Just turned out that I hated cooking. I love eating, but I hate to cook! Your dish looks very tasty and is making me get up right now and go eat something!