Monday, September 24, 2007

Flag Football Fall 2007

Just a Flag football update...

With the second week under our belts the "Wet Bandits" are 0-2. I hate that we have not won a game yet but the season has just started. They still have plenty of time to get it together. Plus, Justin loves it and I love watching him play on Sunday afternoons. Stay posted for updates...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Jack William

I couldnt update everyone on Laney Grace and not share about Jack William...

He will be 2 in November and I can hardly stand it. He is talking some and getting in to everything. He loves being independant...He thinks he's grown.

Laney Grace

I cant believe Laney Grace is going to be 7 months old on Thursday. I feel like she was born just yesterday. I wanted to post a recent picture for everyone to see. She is the sweetest baby you will ever meet.


Oh my what a wonderful weekend...the Crimson Tide beat Arkansas and I am loving it.

I refuse to be an obnoxious fan and remind everyone that Auburn lost for the second week in a row...that would just be being a poor sport ; )

I hope our streak remains hot.

Friday, September 14, 2007

I HIT MOM!!!'s true. I hit Moms beautiful new Passat this very morning. I know you all are probably wondering how it happened exactly...
Well, The oven at the Erickson home is on the fritz so she needed to prepare a covered dish for work so she came over to borrow my stove which I most graciously allowed her to do. I put Jack and Laney in the car and got ready to go. We said our good bye's and I put the car in reverse and that was all she wrote.
I dont know what I was thinking except that typically when I leave for work there is nothing behind me. What if that had been a child on a bike or an old lady taking her morning walk???
Very costly mistake$$$$$$$$
It scratched up the bumber of my new car and crushed the hood of Moms car. I cant believe I did it. :(