Monday, September 24, 2007

Flag Football Fall 2007

Just a Flag football update...

With the second week under our belts the "Wet Bandits" are 0-2. I hate that we have not won a game yet but the season has just started. They still have plenty of time to get it together. Plus, Justin loves it and I love watching him play on Sunday afternoons. Stay posted for updates...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Jack William

I couldnt update everyone on Laney Grace and not share about Jack William...

He will be 2 in November and I can hardly stand it. He is talking some and getting in to everything. He loves being independant...He thinks he's grown.

Laney Grace

I cant believe Laney Grace is going to be 7 months old on Thursday. I feel like she was born just yesterday. I wanted to post a recent picture for everyone to see. She is the sweetest baby you will ever meet.


Oh my what a wonderful weekend...the Crimson Tide beat Arkansas and I am loving it.

I refuse to be an obnoxious fan and remind everyone that Auburn lost for the second week in a row...that would just be being a poor sport ; )

I hope our streak remains hot.

Friday, September 14, 2007

I HIT MOM!!!'s true. I hit Moms beautiful new Passat this very morning. I know you all are probably wondering how it happened exactly...
Well, The oven at the Erickson home is on the fritz so she needed to prepare a covered dish for work so she came over to borrow my stove which I most graciously allowed her to do. I put Jack and Laney in the car and got ready to go. We said our good bye's and I put the car in reverse and that was all she wrote.
I dont know what I was thinking except that typically when I leave for work there is nothing behind me. What if that had been a child on a bike or an old lady taking her morning walk???
Very costly mistake$$$$$$$$
It scratched up the bumber of my new car and crushed the hood of Moms car. I cant believe I did it. :(

Monday, August 13, 2007

"The One with the Cocktail Party"

Well, More than likely if you are reading this blog you know that Randy, Hannah and I threw a cocktail party this past Saturday night in honor of Mom's birthday.
We had a great time.
Hannah and I thought that it would be alot of fun to make it a "theme party" but still classy so...we decided that we would have everyone dress in "black and white" cocktail attire...well, we just assumed people would know what that meant...they didnt. We should have listened to Justin, who told us that people are not going to do it...He kept teasing telling us he was going to pick up his tux from the cleaners...
It was okay though.
Randy agreed to fix everyone their first drink and then they were on there own...It wasent necessary to go for the second as Randy was a little heavy on the Grey Goose. (the way I like a Martini)
We had a great turn out, good food and it was fun catching up with everyone.

Pictures to come...

Monday, July 16, 2007

Very First Family Vacation

The Davis family finally took there first ever family vacation this July. We had a great time.
When Justin's Mom and Dad decided to go to Gatlinburg instead of the beach, I was all over it because I havent been in a bathing suit since before I had Jack and really dont plan on it anytime soon. Justin and I talked and thought maybe it was time to take a little trip...

If you have ever traveled with children then you will appreciate that we began making a list of all our needs like 2 weeks before we left. You have to bring pack and plays, food, bottles, medicine etc. Then there is the extremly long card ride and both kids are still in diapers. However, Justin and I had gotten pretty much down, we checked off our list and packed up and hit the road. Jack watched the Doodlebops the whole way and Laney slept...we only had to make one stop and we ate lunch fed Laney changed diapers and we were done...Too easy.

Now, with all of this I had not actually addressed the fact that we were going to be in the Smokey Mountains and I am terrified of open heights (the actuall falling is what scares me).
when we made it to Gatlinburg we sat in traffic for almost an hour, got lost and went about 8 miles out of our way and the kids began to scream. We made it to where the cabin was and it was about 2 miles up the mountain. I am having an anxiety attack and Justin is telling me to calm down...the kids are still screaming.

The next day we went to the outlet malls...long story short I forgot a bottle for Laney...what kind of mother does that? She was screaming from hunger so Justin left to get a bottle. Not a single store in the outlet mall had one so he had to go to Wal-Mart. The whole time Laney is screaming, people are staring...OMG!.

Day three was hiking trail day. Kelley had decided that all of us could go even the babies because it was a "paved trail". " You can bring the stoller"...and we did.
We drove about 7 miles up the side of a mountain, get out at the top and it is like 60 degrees. I am freaking out because It was too chilly for Laney.
We begin walking and the trail is so steep. I wanted to stay back with the stroller but Justin insists he will be able to push. People are staring, thinkin, what idiots. Were taking turns pushing. We had to stop at every bench. At that time it starts to sprinkle. I am losing it now because not only is it freezing but the kids are going to get wet. We make it to the top, and now we have to somehow make it down with the stroller. Justin again insists he can do it. It begins pouring now. The stroller is flying down the mountain. I cant even watch.
We make it to the bottom. We are all drenched. The babies are dry as a bone..Thank God for small favors.

Day 4 was Dollywood. We had a great day and Jack was loving it. I only got bitten by a giant black flying thing and Justin only fell and got a Huge bruise. The worst I have ever seen. I thought he might have to go to the doctor.

Oh and while we were playing pool at the cabin, Jack busted his eye on this wooden box thing on the floor.

All in all it was a good trip, Jack sad bye bye at dinner one night and made the whole trip worth while. I just dont think we will be traveling again like that for atleast another year.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Life is Good

Today is the start of a new fun filled week.
Laney decided to begin the day oh around 5:30am, Jack slept in but was not to be undone. He threw up for no apparent reason once we got to his KK's this morning.
We had a great time at the pool yesterday besides the fact that I almost drowned my first born. The rain must have ran everyone off, so it was like having your own private pool. Jack had so much fun and took in too much pool water which inturn may have triggered the throw up incident. What do you do?
This just in:
Justin called me to let me know that we dodged a bullet with the pinto beans I put in the crock pot this morning. It seems as though all of the water dried up. Justin was able to save them just in time. Yes this actually warranted a phone call.
Life is good.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

My Birthday Party

Omg...the Birthday party was a blast. Justin and Mom did such a good job getting it all arranged. We got to hang out with some really dear friends that we dont get to see as often as we would like with the hectic schedules and all. Even though the invitations said "no gifts please" Kimberely still brought me a beautiful braclet and earrings but I think my favorite was the picture she gave me of us on Cinco de Mayo. It was so cute. Lindsay L. brought me a bottle of Resling...I'm saving it to take on vacation.
The food was so good (Chicken Fajitas) I wish we could have that every night. The Margaritas were good too. Justin makes really good margaritas. Kelley D. brought her camera and took some great pictures. I cant wait to get them on the web for everybody to see.
Jack espcially enjoyed the tortilla chips and sour cream. He had his very own bowl wich resulted in a second bath before bed. I am so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends in my life.Can't wait to do it again.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Cinco de Mayo 2007

Well...Cinco de Mayo was fun. A bunch of us girls and Justin got together at Two Pesos and had a blast drinking margaritas and singing karaeoke. (sp?)
I had a few to many...I dont get out much anymore since the babies and I was still home by 10pm. I just cant hang like I used to.
I think Kimberly gets the trophy for best singer. Usually I am the kareoke queen but I wasent so much in the mood. Not sure why. It must be the botched singing job I did on Easter at church. OMG! It was awful. I think my anxiety was worse from just having a baby. Who knows. I will NEVER sing again...well...maybe I will...after a few.

Pics to come when I get them.